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About the Foundation

International lhya is a non-governmental charitable organization, registered under No. 133-234-34 and headquartered inIstanbul,

seeks to unify human efforts for the development of people everywhere, regardless of race, color, gender or belief.


Organization Overview

Our Organization is established to perform on its best and provide the benefits needed for all. While considering benefits and grace, we mean the highest level of human virtues and

morals that can consist of relieving humans from distress and anxiety they are living in,spreading hope and life, and giving a hand to those in need as we believe that this can be

revival to them. Allah (SWT) said in the Holly Quran "and that whoever saved it should be regarded as though he had saved all mankind"

Not to mention that humanitarian relief work exceeds all ethnic and geographical barriers eliminating discrimination against religion, race and gender as it is integrated in the right

humanitarian model that preserves the human souls' stature, rank and priorities and maintains the right of having a good life.

This is all characterized by "Ihya'a International Organization" that is working hard to help people and revive their souls. Starting in Istanbul City, it spreads its supreme message and

plants its fruitful seeds that in return reproduce and reach everyone in need by your support and collaboration to achieve the goal of revival and change.



Reviving goodness in souls in order to improve the neediest communities.



To be one of the model foundations in the service of humanitarian work and the preservation of the cultural heritage



TRANSPARENCY                                TRUST                           JUSTICE                  PROFESSIONALISM



Our Goals

1. Meeting the humanitarian needs and providing material and moral support to the

2. Directing human energies towards the advancement of people and the development of societies to ensure a decent life neediest groups

3. Empowerment and promotion of identity and cultural affiliation to achieve peace and societal harmony

4. Preserving the human and cultural heritage

5. Building partnerships with institutions and organizations with common goals


Our programs

Education and culture

Economic empowerment

Housing and social welfare

Relief and social welfare

Endowments care