Emergency relief for the families affected by the demolition and displacement.

Project Description
Paying Compensation of 20 families of Al-Quds city whose homes were demolished through the implementation of the following projects:
- Removing the wreckage of the demolished houses (because of its
positive effect in strengthening the resolve of the families affected
by the demolition of their houses and providing a new beginning
for them)
- Renting homes for families whose homes were demolished
- Providing furniture for the rented residential unit
- Providing urgent financial support to the families whose houses were demolished in order to help them meeting their daily needs
- Providing urgent financial support to the families whose houses were demolished in order to help them meeting their daily needs
Project Objectives:
- Providing a safe and decent house within Al-Quds city for the families whose houses were demolished
- Ensuring the survival of the families whose houses were demolished within the city of Jerusalem
- Boosting the morale of the families whose houses were demolished
- Showing solidarity and sympathy with the people Al-Quds city
- Confronting the plans that aim to alter the demographic nature of the city